The Number Of Anti-home-rulers In Ireland.
[To Tax &mos 51 Tax " 8PECTATOli,"] Sta,—I do not recollect that the number of Unionists in Ireland has been stated, on any trustworthy authority, at two millions. I think the......
The Late Mr. Turing.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR:1 Sue, — Will you allow one who sympathises with Mr. Abbey ' s concern for the credit of his old master, and who is acquainted with the facts, to......
Public Works For The Unemployed.
rTo THE EDITOR. OP TES •• SPECTATOE."1 Ste., — As we see now so many suggestions that the State should provide suitable occupation for our unemployed labourers, some of which......
Ulster And Ireland.
(To THE EDITOR Or THE ' SPECTATOR:1 Srm—I see a question raised in your issue of November 5th as to the relative strength of the Separatists and Unionists in Ulster. Should Mr.......
Mr. Arnold-forster ' S Land Scheme. [to The Editor Or The...
Stn, — The only serious flaw you find in Mr. Arnold-Forster ' s scheme is that it would be necessary to fine the whole of Ireland by indirect taxation for the failure of any one......