Sra,—In order to give greater publicity in Surrey to the Unionist Free-Trade Association which is proposed for• that county, and also in the hope that the example may be followed in other parts of the kingdom, perhaps you could find space for a short account of the m3vement which is being in- augurated. An Association is being formed, membership in which is open to those in Surrey who are both Conservatives or Liberal 'Unionists and Free-traders, and who are deter- mined (1) to maintain both the Union and Free-trade, (2) to remain Unionists, (a) to reconstitute the Unionist party on a Free-trade basis. The aims and objects of the proposed Association are to oppose candidates for Parliament who will not pledge themselves to withstand the policy of Protection, and to make such opposition effective by supporting Free- trade candidates irrespective of party. Any Surrey residents who are in sympathy with this movement are requested to eend their names to me as hon. secretary to the Provisional
Committee.—I am, Sir, &c., WILBRAHAM V. COOPER. Chinthurst Hill, Guildford.