In The House Of Commons On Wednesday The Licensing Bill,
by the aid of the "guillotine," passed through Committee. In one important particular, though, we fear, only in one, the Bill has been improved. By a Government amendment......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
Influence, N The Unionist Party. Lest Some Of The Members
of the Government should refuse to attend the gathering, and so a fissure be opened in the Administration, it was deter- mined not to invite the Ministry. Mr. Chamberlain, in......
• On Thursday Mr. Arnold-forster Unfolded His Scheme Of Army
reform. We have dealt with its general outlines else- where, but must point out here that, owing no doubt to the complexity of the subject, his exposition was by no means free......
Subject To Certain Reservations, This Is A Sound Scheme ;
but unfortunately Mr. Arnold - Forster couples it •with plans for dealing with the Auxiliaries which call for the opposition of all who desire to strengthen instead of......
Ex-president Kruger, Aged Seventy-nine, Died At Clarens,...
of Geneva, at 3 o'clock on Thursday morning,— pneumonia complicated by disease of the heart, being the cause of death. Had the event taken place four years ago, the whole world......
Mr. Chamberlain's Great Speech At The Albert Hall On Thurs-
day to his newly organised Preferential and Protectionist Liberal Unionist party—the gathering numbered some twelve thousand people—was a fine piece of political oratory, in......
We Fear That The Struggle To Preserve The Militia Will
be a difficult one, as the force has many enemies ; but it is one well worth making. We trust, as we have said elsewhere, that the leadership in this truly national cause will......