16 JULY 1948, Page 15



also have received a most pathetic letter from an unknown Getman in the American zone of Germany. It seems that there is only one way in which he could have obtained my full name and, address, and that is by taking it from a copy of The Spectator of May 28th, in which you published a letter from me. Your correspondent "Merchant" may also have had a letter in The Spectator or in some other English publication to be found in reading rooms in the American and British zones.

I am told by friends from New York, who are now in England, that hundreds of these pathetic letters are flooding into America. It is almost certain that the numerous parcels sent in reply to these appeals fine their way to the black market and that the letters are not genuine. It is 'even suspected that it may be an organised racket.—Yours faithfully,

[It is probably true that some of the letters sent from Germany to individuals in this country or America, asking for the despatch of food or clothing, are spurious. The way to ensure that charity is not mis- placed is to allow one of the existing relief organisations to distribute it. "-Save Europe Now" distributes food and The Friends Service Council clothing in the Western zones of Germany. Gifts of either category may be sent to them c/o Davies Turner and Co., Bourne Street, Pimlico Road, S.W.1. In the past, gift parcels to individuals in the Russian zone have reached their destination, but in view of the present uncertainties there can be no guarantee that this is still the case.— ED, The Spectator.]