It Is Interesting That Nottingham Should Be The Latest Of
the Univer- sity Colleges to be raised to University status—which means that it will have the right to confer its own degrees, like Oxford and Cambridge and London and the rest,......
Of All Recent Visitors To These Shores Mr. Bustamente Of
Jamaica, Minister of Communications in the Jamaica Government, Mayor of Kingston, and supreme (though not quite perhaps, because of the rivalry of his cousin Mr. Manley) Labour......
There Is Something Curious And Rather Disturbing About...
of a conscientious objector, as such, before the Court of Criminal Appeal, for however misguided such a man may seem, or actually be, there is manifestly nothing in the remotest......
Palestine Crisis
A NY truce in Palestine is better than a continuation of the war ; better for the people of Palestine, for the Middle East as a whole, and better for the United Nations. It is......
A Spectato R's Notebook
T HE Peckham Health Centre had the time of its life on Monday when Queen Mary, the Prime Minister, various other Ministers, greater and less, and the Oni of Ife went first to......
"the Mantle Of The Bloody Judge Jeffreys Has Fallen On
Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, son of the worst traitor in the history of the British Labour movement."—The Daily Worker. The Daily Worker, like Skegness, is so bracing. That is why I......
The Departure Of The Last German Prisoner Of War (with
a few special and inconsiderable exceptions) from Great Britain marks the end of a chapter. Both captors and captives no doubt look back on it with mixed feelings. It has been a......