Snt,—Dr. L. P. Jacks has done well to emphasise the
lop-sided nature of the Government's nationalisation schemes—that their logical develop- ment is, in fact, National Socialism as practised by Hitler. But Dr. Jacks does not go on to the larger implications and to the dikstuna in which the Government (primarily concerned with the interests of one section rather than the whole community) finds itself. I remember listening to the General Election address broadcast by the late Miss Ellen Wilkinson. " The Socialist Party," she said, "is determined that cartels and monopolies shall no longer be able to hold a pistol at the head of the community." But if one side in industrial disputes is disarmed, why not the other ? Is it in the general interest that strikes should still be a pistol that can be held at the head of the community ? Some of us feel that the logic,of nationalisation involves the redundancy of the cumbrous and costly trade unions in the industries nationalised.—I am, Sir, yours
faithfully, F. D. MERFtALLS. Lynchmere Green, Haslemere, Surrey.