On the Ilth inst. Mrs. J. AT.LEN ADANITIIWAITE, of Woodberry Lake, Stoke 'Nevving- ton. of a son.
On the 29th ult. the Lady of EDWARD PREST, Esq., of Heslington, near York, of a son. On the 98th ult. the Lady of SAMUEL Pager, Esq., of Stapleferd Lodge, near Cam- bridge, of a son. On the 3d inst. Mrs. "ROBERT FERGUSON, No.193, Main Street, Anderston, Edinburgh, was safely delivered of three line children, two boys and a girl. MARE IAGES.
On the 12th inst. at Pelham Chapel, I bed ings, the Rev. CAM'. MOLYNEUR, eldest son of the late John Molyneux, Esq., or Gravel Hill, Ludlow, to Maim, second daughter of Vice-Admiral James Carpenter.
On the 7th inst. at Fairford, the Rev. Wir.r..r.szt ESCOTT, to LUCY Honazia, fourth daughter of the Dean of Gleueester.
On the 30th ult. at Bath, ItictrA an CHERI:YIN, second son of Richanl Trench. Esq.. of litirsledon Lodge, Hants. to FRANCES MARY, daughter of the late Francis Trench. Esq., of Sopwell Hall, Tipperary. At Esher, CarIatill FREDERICK ClIAMIER, R.N., IO ELIZADETIf, eldest daughter of the late John Sean°, Esq., and granddaughter to the highly-talented Architect of that
On the 8111 of December 1831, at Caleatta, HENRY Hordsovn. Esq, youngest son of' the late Sir George Sowley Holroyd. of Hare hatch, forks, to LUCY, youngest (laugh. ter of the Honourable Sir John Franke, met of the Judges of the Snprerne Court. on the 14th inst. at Trentham, Sir Jon Powtserr ORDE, Bart.. of Kilmory. Argyll- shire, to Bearatez JAMES, youngest daughter of the late James Edwards, Esq., of Pall Mall, London, and of Harrow-on-the-Hill.
OR the 12th inst. in Cleveland ROW, in her 18th year, the Hon. HARRIET CAROLINE LA:ASTON, third daughter of Lord Durham. On the 8th inst. iii Milton Street, Dorset Square, Mrs. ANNA MARIA MOORE, iu her
87th year. On the 6th inst. at No. 4, James's Square, Edinburgh, the Rev. JAMES PORTEOUS, ill his 68th year. He officiated as Chaplain to the Gaol for thirty-four years, and also in .Bridewell, the Infirmary, and in the Merchants' and Trades' Maiden Hospitals. On the 9th May, in her 104th year, Mrs. MARY WATTS, a native of- Cumberland. For a period of seventy years she was the sextoness of Inniscarra, near Cork; and, until the last two mouths. discharged the duties of her office act ively, and in person.
SqOn the 3d inst. in his 261h year, TUGIVELL Roams, B.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge, the only ECM of W. L.. T. Robins, Esq., of Bernard Street, Russell. ; uare.. • . • On the 2d inst. Mr. 'AIM PHILLIPS, of Abelinrch Lane, London, in his 71st yearj. and on the 14th inst. Mrs. Csrragaisra rag pit.s, MS widow, 4; tw 3dr4c, .