Madame Stockhausen's Concert, On Friday Morning, Was,.,...
to be, well attended. A Sacred Cantata, adapted to English words, the composition of Monsieur STOCKH.AUSEN, was. performed by Madame STOCKHAUSEN, MISS MASSON, MT. HORN- CASTLE,......
Mn. KIALLMARK'S Concert, on Tuesday morning, attracted a nu- merous and fashionable audience. His bill of fare was agreeable, consisting of some substantial articles, and some......
Robert The Devil.
THE bills which announce the first appearance of Robert le Diable, are headed " French Opera." This is a misnomer : it would be just as absurd, and not more so, to perform......
We Are Induced To Recommend To Our Readers' Attention The
case of an unfortunate and ingenious artist, who, just before he was enabled to complete a work of great labour and skill, was thrown into prison, whence he has just returned to......
Mr. Eliason's Concert Was On Thursday. Madame Schrceder...
BEETHOVEN'S exquisite Cantata "Adelaide," with the most sweet and touching expression; and TAMBURINI, by his admirable singing "Non pin andrai," showed that, unlike some of his......