WAR.OFFICE, J11110 15.-3a nee. of Dragoon Guards: Capt. 11. B. Edwards, from half pay 13th Light Dragoons, to be Capt., y:ee Sullivan, dec.:asset-7:Ii Regt. Light Dra- goons: Lieut. S. H. Paget to le. Capt., by purchase, vice Hall, who retires ; Cornet W. H. Chetwynd to be Lieut., by purchase., vice Paget ; C. Ilae.e.t. f tent., to be Cornet, by purchase. vice Chetwym1-1411 Light Dragoons : T. W. S. le ;tent., to be Cor- net, by purchase, vice Craven, who retires-10th Reg; . Fo:,t : M. W■ae.nhall, from half-pay Cuattaehed, tube Capt.:, vice L. Sh..diten, w ho bout. :
lIe- gimontai-Snrg. It. Orton, from a it:neve:In tterrice, to be Serg., ie.. It . A neet, w ho re- tires upon half-pay 1st Royal Veteran Battalion-13th Fm,:: Ce ie. J. 'd.
from half-pay Ur:attached, to be Capt., vice R. Hare: v.ito est:lute:tee - ted Foot : Lieut. R. R. Williamson, from half pay Chasseurs Britauetques, to be Lient., vice J. Guthrie, who exchanges-16th Foot : Capt. A. Campbell to be Major. w ietet .1.11*citase. vice Thompeon,deceased ; Lieut. It. Campbell to be Cale „ :CC ; 1.?!:.•.ftt J. Wood, from the 56th Foot, to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Green, who rettree—d.e.t: test: En- sign H. M'Caskill to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Dixon, whme.rometien, of the April last, has been cancelled ; E. Molloy, Gent., to be En '::u, by. pia...hese, vice M'Caskill-56th Foot : Gent. Cadet J. Blackburn. from the Royel Otter:: bolt7e, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Wocel, promoted in the 46th Foot-57th Foil: ,Entegn H. Callan to be Lieut., by purchase. vice De la Coudamine, promoted ; Gent. Cadet W. Goodrich, from the Royal Military College. to be Ensign, by purchase, yiee Galtae. ; Assist.-Surg. E. Cutler, from half-pay let Foot Guards, to be Assist-Surg.. vice Lister. appointed to the 46th Foot-54th Foot: fleet. .1. Moore, from the 89th Foot, to be Capt., without purchase. sire Markham, deceased-75th Foot : Lieut. C. Tyssea to he Capt., by purchase, vice Salmon, who retires ; Ensign II. A. Graham to be Lieut:, by purchase, vice Tyssen; F. Ellis, Gent , to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Gaban ; Malf- Assist.-Surg. J. Caw. M.D., to be Assist-Stag., vice Nugent, appointed to the 96111 Foot —89th Foot : Gent. Cadet C. R. Egerton, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without purehase-92d Fcot : Capt. G. O'Farrell, from half-pdy 8th West India Regt,
to be Capt., vice Cann promoted-96th Foot : Assist.-Siug. M. Nugent, from the 75th Foot, lobe Assist.-Surg., sire Fryer, whose appointment has been cata.t.11°L Unattached—Capt. J. Campbell. from the 92d Foot, to be Major ei lidantry, by purchase. Lieut. T. De la Condamine, from the 57th Foot, to be Captain oi Infantry. by purchase. .
Memoranda—Major R. Leonard, upon Italf-pay 104th Foot, has been allowed to retire from the eervice, by the sale of an unattached commission.
The half-pay of the undermentioned Officers has been cancelled from the let instant inclusive, they having received commuted allowances for their commissions: Deputy- Assistant-Commissary-General John Barford—Deputy-Assistant-Commissury-Gencral James Paterson. His Majesty bas been graciously pleased to direct that the 35th Regiment of Foot shall be permitted to bear the appellation of Royal, and be in future styled the 35th Royal Sussex Regiment ; and that the facings be accordingly changed from orange to blue. His Majesty has been graciously pleased to direct that the 6th Regiment of Foot shall be permitted to bear the appellation of Royal, and be in future styled the 6th or Royal (1st) Warwickshire Regiment; and that the facings beaecordingly changed from yellow to blue.
His Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve of the let or Royal Regiment of Foot bearing on its colours and appointments the word " Coranna," in commemora- tion of the distinguished gallantry of the 3d battalion of that regiment in the action at Comma, on ;mussy 16,1809.