Consols closed on Saturday at 851,and Exchequer Bills at 9s. tolOs. premium. On Monday there was hardly any business, and no alteration. Tuesday was a close holyday. There was a very slight advance on Wednesday, but still very little business. Brazil Stock fell on that day no less than 2 per cent., though without any apparent reason. The decline still continued on Thursday, when these Funds left off at 444 to 45*. The cause of the decline was explained by the arrivals of to-day, from which it appeared that a movement in favour of . Don Pedro had taken place at Bahia. The funds leave off to-day at 44.3i. Con- sols are somewhat lower, chiefly ftom large sales; they close at S4j. Money is scarce, and Exchequer Bills have in consequence declined to 6s. and 8s. pre- mium ; but the Bank seem to have the power of raising and lowering these securities as they please. Bank Stock 199 200 3 per Cent. Red. eat 3 per Cent. Consols — Consuls for Acct. 84) 31 per Cent. New -- Long Annuities 16 7-16 Ex. Bills, 10001. 6s. Ss. put. India Bonds 2 to 1 dis.
Brazilian 451 46/ Chilian 151 161 Columbihn 12 13 Danish 661 7+ Greek 29/ 30/ Mexican 314 2 Peruvian Portuguese 53 54
India Stock Russian 98/ 99 SATURDAY, FOUR o'cLocie.—Consols closed at 841 11.
Spanish 14 I Ditto New 13 / SHARES Bolanos 195 205 Brazilian 44 43 Columbian 5/ 6/ Anglo Mexican 9/ 10/ CoLited. Mexican 4/ 41