Arrived—At Gravesend, June 11th, oe, nt. White, from Bengal ; and 1204 Pm-shire, Clarkson, from Bombay. In the Channe!, Pei siao, Spokes; and NIsr2aret. Vanity, from Singapore; Auriga, Cindmers; and Majestic. Martin, lioni,Van Hiram n's Land ; Isabel, —, from China; and Majestic, Smith, from Mauritius. At Blistol, I till, Victoria, Sanders. from Bengal. At Liverpool, 9th, Alexander, Itarns.v!., hum Bengal ; 10th, Patriot King. Clark, from do.; and 12th, Allerton, Chattertcm, fulm do. In the Clyde, Oil,, Elora, Blair, from Bombay. At the Cape, March 25t1,, Isabella, Porter, from London. At the Mauritius, Feb. 251h, Ann Gulps, (flies; and Orator, Terry, horn London. At Bombay, March 300, William, Clark, from Liver:sol ; April 3,1, Euphrates, Beckham : 12111, Semiramis, Ilruicks ; and 24th, Severn, Wake, fro a Lon- don. At Madras, April 14th, David Scott, Spence, front London. At Ileugal, April 1st, Eelma, Luckie, from Liverpool.
Sailed—From Liverpool, June 811v, Horatio, Howland, for China ; 9th, Lintin, Gill man, for Bombay ; 12th, John o'Gaunt, Robertson. for China; and 13111, Collingotad, Snipe, for Bengal.