From the Glasgow newspapers we learn, that the electors, anticipat. ing the transference (it can hardly be called elevation) of Lord Wil- liam Bentinck to the Peerage, are on......
The Following Letters Are The Sequence Of The...
tween Lord Brougham and Mr. Benjamin Smith on the Slavery ques- tion. It would appear from Lord Howick's letter, which Mr. Smith publishes, that Lord Brougham's memory has......
The English Fleet Arrived In The Bay Of Naples On
the '2Stil of May. The Princess Challotte, of 1 . 20 gulls, with Admiral Stopford's flag flying. east anchor there at about ten o'clock in the morning, and fired a salute. The......
According To Time Sun, Mr. Harvey Has Declined The Offer
of a Consulship iii the United States. No doubt the Whigs would gladly remove the Member for Southwark from the House of Commons; but he will beat his post when their sham......
Major Keppel will be the new Groom in Waiting, in the place of the Honourable Charles Murray, appointed Master of the House- hold.—Courier. No fewer than three of her Majesty's......