Major Keppel will be the new Groom in Waiting, in the place of the Honourable Charles Murray, appointed Master of the House-
No fewer than three of her Majesty's Maids of Honour are, it is said, about to enter the holy state of matritnony.—Morning Herald.
The Duke of Sussex has directed most of the splendid fittings used on the occasion of his late grand entertainment to the Queen to remain in stabs quo, it being the intention of the illustrious Duke to give a second fête, of great Splendour, to the Duke de Nemours and other illustrious foreigners.—Srandard.
It is understood that several of the leading Conservatives intend giving a series of splendid fetes at their own villas in the vicinity of the Metropolis immediately after the Coronation, and to which her Majesty will be invited. It is on this account that these noblemen have declined participating in any arrangements making by the diffeient clubs.—Post.