The Magistrates of Westminster have resolved to fit up the
Guild. hall, opposite Westminster Abbey, for the use of themselves and their families on the day of the Coronation ; and it is anticipated, from the manner in which the Magistrates fitted up the Guildhall on the Corn. nation of George the Fourth, that it will add much to the effect of the surrounding scene.— Globe.
A public dinner was given yesterday to Sir John Heischel, at the Freemasons"Pavern ; the Duke of Sussex in the chair. Four bun. dred gentlemen, including, almost every person distinguished in science and literature now in London, sat down to table. A splendid vat was presented to Sir John by the Duke of Sussex ; who accompanied it with a highly complimentary address. Sir John spoke his thanks in warm terms. The other speakers were the Marquimof Lansdowne, Professor Sedgwick, and Sir T. Brisbane.
A committee has been appointed by time Royal Society to investi. gate the phenomena presented by persons under the influence of animal magnetism, and to determine its claims to the rank of a science. We understand that Dr. Roget and Dr. Faraday are members of the Corn. mittee. The experiments will be performed in the London Hospitals, more particularly the University College Hospital, which seems to be the very focus of magnetisin.— Times.