THE week ends with news from the front which, if not sensational, is eminently satisfactory. Last Saturday evening came the news that Lord Roberts's communications had been cut near Kroonstad, and the railway and telegraph lines destroyed, and on Monday evening the additionil bad news that a Militia battalion, that of the Derbyshire Regiment, had been overwhelmed and captured, after heavy loss, at Roodeval, near the Rhenoster. On Wednesday, however, all anxiety was relieved by a telegram from Lord Roberts announcing that communication by wire with the Cape had been reopened, that Lord Methuen and Lord Kitchener had been hurried up to deal with the Boer raiders, and that Lord Methuen had inflicted a very complete defeat on the, enemy at the Rhenoster, seizing General Be Wet's camp and dispersing his force. Lord Roberts also described how he had in person led a force against General Botha, who held a strong position about fifteen miles to the east of Pretoria. When Lord Roberts telegraphed this action was undecided, but a telegram received on Friday shows that the Boers, after a two days' action, evacuated their strong position on Tuesday night.