News Of The Week.
T HE week ends with news from the front which, if not sensational, is eminently satisfactory. Last Saturday evening came the news that Lord Roberts's communications had been cut......
Mr. Schreiner Has Resigned, And Sir Alfred Milner Has Sent
for Sir Gordon Sprigg, who is endeavouring to form a new Ministry, but it is at present uncertain whether Mr. Schreiner will join him, or whether if he fails Mr. Rose-Tunes will......
As A, Result Of General Buller's Victory Both Sides Of
Laing's Nek tunnel, Volksrust, Charlestown, Wakkerstroom, and the surrounding country are in our hands. The importance of the movement is very great. It should, to begin with,......
While The Boer Attack On Our Communications Was Thus Being
successfully dealt with, General Buller was making considerable progress on the Natal frontier. Having forced Botha's Pass, he on Monday fought a very successful action, and......
On The Other Band, The "boxers" Clearly Mean Massacre, They
have the sympathy of the soldiers, and either favour or direct encouragement from the Palace. The Empress- Regent has strengthened the reactionary party in the Supreme Council;......
The News Of The Week From Pekin Is Reassuring Only
from one point of view. The Great Powers are awake to the serious danger, not only of a general massacre of white men throughout China, but of anarchy in the Empire itself, with......
• „,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any ease.......