[To Tins EIATOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—In the notice in the Spectator of June 9th of "Memorials of C. H. Pearson" your reviewer writes of Exeter College as being "then under Dr. Richards, a quiet, worthy old Evangelical." I have not been able to see the book yet, but I cannot reconcile this description of the rector with what is known of him. It so happens that in writing the history of the College I have been looking up the few notices of Dr. Richards that exist, and I find that not only did he and the Exeter Proctor of the year alone resist the proposed condemnation of "Tract No. 90" by the old Heb- domadal Board, but that J. B. Mozley actually writes of him at that time as "a strong man on our side" (" Letters," p. 113). References in the same sense are to be found in J. H. New- man's "Letters," and Liddon's "Life of Pusey."—I am,