[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sth,—Colonel Summers Clark, 1st
Volunteer Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, has invited all gentlemen wishing to learn
the use of the rifle to join the corps as honorary members, using the Portslade range; rifles provided free, cartridges at cost price, annual subscription one guinea. Rifle practice is a more profitable ' amusement than pigeon - shooting, and Colonel Clark's example should be followed widely.—I am, Hon. Member R.S.R. 1st V.B.
22 Granville Place, Portman Square, W.
[Colonel Summers Clark has hit on a capital way of
encouraging rifle practice and connecting it with Volunteer - ing ; but his subscription is rather too high. Half-a-crown a quarter would not keep out working men, as a guinea a year is bound to do.—ED. Spectator.]