The Daily Telegraph of Tuesday contains a curiously interesting letter
by Dr. Conan Doyle. Outside Brandfort ht met a mounted Kaffir who told him theta wounded Englishman bad been left out on the veldt two or three miles away. He se; off at once in the direction indicated, and found the poor fellow —one of the N.S.W. Mounted Infantry—lying dead. "Horse and rifle were gone. A curious detail was that his water- bottle lay beside him, and on it was balanced a red chest pawn The other chess-men were in his haversack out of hie reach." The creator of Sherlock Holmes has no doubt some theory to explain this strange incident. Can it be that the Kaffir on finding the white man dead or dying, opened his haversack, and thinking the red chess-men were a sort of fetish, placed one of them by him to keep guard over him P