Tuesday's Globe also contains some interesting details as to the
composition and numbers of the Indian native non- combatant contingent, for whose benefit our contemporary, with a care and thoughtfulness for our best Imperial interests which deserve the highest praise, has already raised a fund of 21,700. The total number of Indian camp followers in the field is 5,154, of whom some 2,400 accompanied the force despatched from India to Natal on the outbreak of hostilities. Of this original contingent which rendered such splendid service at Elandslaagte and through the siege of Ladysmith, the stretcher-bearerr, numbered 770 and the muleteers 916, 298 were attached to the commissariat, and the rest to the ordnance field park. ammunition column, and veterinary column. Later on, at the express desire of Lord Roberts, 2,000 water-carriers and another 1,000 camp followers of various kinds were sent for.