News of the Week
V. VENTS in China have been 'moving with unusual rapidity, though no one can say whether the corn pelling force is military victory Or, such negotiations tem- pered by "changes of side" as commonly determine Chinese military issues.- It is clear, however, that the Nationalist or Southern cause has somehow Or other pre- vailed over the Northern, and the Ttichim of Shansi is now in control at Peking: It by no means follows that because Yen Hsi-shan has taken over Peking with the consent of his 'Nationalist colleagneS he is to be the principal figure in the first phase ofthe new era. It is quite possible that peking-Will not be the 'Capital at Sun Yat-ieri named Nanking as the capital, and the Testament of thi founder of the. present Nationalism kill has a vast and perhaps a deeisive influence. Peking has not auffered from any :crthe. horrors Which attended the arrival of the Nationalists at Hankow,Shanghai, Nanking and _ _ _ , elsewhere. - - :t • * *