Lighter Lyrics
Yvette Guilbert's Singing Yet WHERE is the Paris that we knew Before the epoch of the trippers ? Where is the jolly student crew, In velvet coats and ancient slippers, Who took......
Points From Letters
OLD LONDON SIGNS. Time was when almost every shop had its sign over the door just as many country inns still have them to-day, but it is not widely known, I think, that the......
Cobden And The Franchise
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—I try to avoid controversy with reviewers, but the writer of your notice on my book The British Liberal Party charges me with......
Tiie R.s.p.c.a.
[To the Editor of the SpEcuerpn.] SIR —I desire to say a word in reply to Mr. C. J. B. Gaskoin's 4 - letter in your paper. No one at the recent meeting refused to hear Lord......