16 JUNE 1928, Page 27
Answers. to Familiar Quotations Questions
1. Declare, firmament (Psalm 'clic. 1).-2. Gates, courts (Psalm o, Consider (St. Matthew vi. 28).-4. The poor (St. John xli. S).-5. Sea (Shakespeare, Tempest, I. 2). 6. Great, greainess, greatness (Twelfth Night, IL 5),--7. Sticking- place (Macbeth, J. Shooks (Hamlet, III. 1).-9. Curates, congregations (PrayerBook ; Prayer for clew t,nd pepple),— 10. Woods ( ton, Lyakku9.------11. Sprifs (Pope, Essay on Man .-12. Noiseless tenor. (Gray, Elegy in a Country Church- yard).-=-J3. Often (Wordsworth, Ode on Intimations of Immortality).