General Knowledge Questions
Questions on Familiar Quotations
OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mr. A. R. Watson, 86
Disraeli Gardens, Putney, S.W. 15, for the following :-
Fill up the blanks in the following passages :-
1. The heavens -- the glory of God : and the — sheweth His handy-work.
2. 0 go your way into His with thanksgiving, and into His
-r- with praise.
3. — the lilies of the field, how they grow. 4. For — — always Ye have with you ; but Me ye have not always.
5. But doth suffer a — change Into something rich and strange.
6. Some are horn ---, some achieve , and some have — thrust upon 'em.
7. But screw your courage to the — And we'll not fail.
8. The heartache and the thousand natural — That flesh is heir to.
9. Send down upon our Bishops, and —, and all -- cona- miffed to their charge, the healthfiil Spirit of thy grace.
10. To-morrow to fresh — and pastures new. 11. Hope — eternal in the human breast.
12. the coca sequester'd yale of life They kept the — — of they' Way. 13. T`iou,shts that do — lie too deep for tearr,
Answers will be found on ' page 919.