It seems to be almost certain that Captain E. A.
Fitzroy will succeed Mr. Whitley as Speaker. On Tuesday a large meeting of Unionists passed a resolution that they would welcome the appointment of Captain Fitzroy if neither Mr. J. F. Hope (the Chairman of Com- mittees) nor Sir Thomas Inskip (the Attorney-General) desired to be nominated. It is known that neither Mr. Hope nor Sir Thomas Inskip desires the Speakership, and it also seems that the Labour Party would prefer Captain Fitzroy on the assumption that the new Speaker must be a Unionist. The Prime Minister has expressed his pleasure at the Unionist resolution. Captain Fitzroy was Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means from 1922 to 1923, and was re-elected to the office when the Unionists were returned in 1924. He thoroughly understands the procedure of the House and has the qualities of tolerance and courtesy.