16 JUNE 1928, Page 30


In view of the satisfactory dividend statement, followed by an equally good annual report, considerable interest attaches to the forthcoming meeting of the Hudson's Bay Company to be held on the 28th instant. The increase announced ten days ago in the dividend from trading to 15

per cent., against 10 per cent. a year ago is abundantly justified by the figures now published, the net profit on trading for the past year being £423,000 against only /152,000 a year ago. Including the dividend in connection with land sales, the total distribution for the year is 25 per cent. against 20 per cent. for the previous year. Under the present Governor and Committee, the Hudson's Bay Company has shown considerable enterprise, especially in the matter of erecting stores in the principal cities in Canada really worthy both of the company and of Canadian progress. Criticism has not been wanting in some quarters with regard to these large outlays, but the results seem to be justifying the expenditure even sooner than had been anticipated, and the Governor's speech at the forthcoming meeting will be awaited with keen interest. A. W. K.