Israel and the Arabs
Sir: I was vastly amused to see myself described by Henry Adler (June 2) as an "insecure bluestocking ", but, while I do not mind this wildly inaccurate description. I do object to having words put into my mouth that I did not utter.
Mr Adler, who obviously did not trouble to read properly what I wrote, states, "Where there are so many more reputable tribes from which the Arabs could claim lines of descent, she' chooses the Amalekites."
But I did not "choose the Amalekites ". What I wrote was, "The word 'Amalek ' — Amalekite — is used in Israel today as a synonym for Arabs and other so-called ' enemies of Israel' ".
I do, however, agree with Mr Adler when he writes that "the conflicts of .early history have as much relevance to modern politics in the Middle East as the wars of the Picts and Jutes to modern Britain ". This is precisely the reason why I oppose the Zionist claim to Palestine which is based solely on the fact that the Jews invaded and oc • cupied that country for a comparatively brief period some 2,000 years ago.
Because I repudiate the Zionist contention that all Jews are part of the state of Israel, I am frequently called, by Zionists, " anti-Semitic" (meaning " anti-Jewish ") and "a self-hater I am neither, but I would hate myself if I supported the Law of (so-called) Return which allows me, in spite of generations of European ancestry, and all other Jews to settle in Israel but denies this same right to the Palestinians, a people which lived continuously in Palestine for at least 1,300 years. Marion Wool/Son *35 Camden Mews, London NW1