Juliette's Weekly Frolic
Apart from one blissful, baking afternoon at the Derby, last week had little to recommend it. Winners are what's wanted and the losing punter is notoriously uninterested in......
A Word To The Judge
Sir: 1 have seldom read such hot-headed vapourin g s in an over g round paper hs appeared in your issue of June 2 under the name of Dorothy Becker. Is she the same person as the......
Israel And The Arabs
Sir: I was vastly amused to see myself described by Henry Adler (June 2) as an "insecure bluestocking ", but, while I do not mind this wildly inaccurate description. I do object......
Pyotr Yakir
Sir: It seems that Mr David Levy (June 2) cannot even see what was objectionable in his remarks about Pyotr Yakir. May I recapitulate? First, he gave an account, highly abusive......
What's In A Name?
Sir: I have just returned from an extended post-Easter break, to London and my back-copies ot The Spectator. Lo! What do I find in your issue of April 28 but 'Confessions of......
Rowse On Shakespeare
Sir: Contrary to popular belief the first object of the Francis Bacon Society is to study - Trancis Bacon's works "as philosopher, statesman and poet." The second object is to......