. The Anti-Corn-law Delegates reestembled at Brown's Hotel on Tuesday.
in greater force than before ; and have held daily meetings during the week, at which the chief subject of discussion has been the proceedinea in Perliament. The statements of the advocates of the tvere eeetabeized, and many blunders pointed out. Mr. O'Connell it t; tan-led some of the meetings, and been very eloquent apeinet tee yarn-lew•s. He expresses much regret for the votes of Th:ry Est-1t Mar lbere, who are influenced by their prejudiced consti- tuenciee to sue port those laws.
On Weelnestley, it was reeolved. in order to correct an erroneous notion of the House of Lords, that Lord Brougham should be requested to lay bet'ore the House the following resolution of the Delegates, passed on the 5th of February-
" Tint tai.: ineetieg, whilst it derremds of the Legislature, as an act ()fait's- tire, the total and ini mediate repeal of' al I laws imposing duties upon or restrict- ing the importation of corn and other articles of subsistence, is prepared to re- aring nli rta:,,ot to protection on home manufitetnres, and to carry out to their
frifrq trJb ...s (tit; its agriculture and manufacture, the true and peace-
ful prin• by removing all existing obstacles to the unrestricted and capital among all nations."
At yeaerday'e meeting, Mr. Cobden adverted to Lord Melbourne's speech, and ee.-reesed his surprise at the Premier's ignorance : Lord Melbourne said that the manufacturers knew that the duties on articles which offered to give up, could not be relinquished, as the
re yen Ile tle-e- i Pled was absolutely necessary— Now if derived from woollens, cottons, silks, and hard-ware were
• ' apprehvn.1 the Clnmeellor of the Lxehegier womil bud a
ium :,; •,14),000t. n year. Were they to 4nppnsc '••• :;;a: 1.xehet;:ser and the Premier were so utterly unlit t! ; s"st re not qualified to make a substitution fur that r. l'cAllc?
I deputed front various agricultural associations u. at the Lowther Rooms, Strand. Reaautions lee the necessity of continued exertion to defcat the 'orn-law party, and strong disapprobation of the a :a tat the question. (1,
detici that I for :1 Ernall as; At..
was he were - effort, condwa