A Correspondent Requests Room For The Following Tribute...
Jones, whose death is recorded in the week's obituary. " Leslie Grove Jones was well known front the prominent part he took in public affairs, and particularly as the writer of......
A Considerable Fall In The Price Of Wheat—namely, Between...
and six shillings the quarter—occurred on Monday. Yesterday the supply in Mark Lane was scanty, and the market rather firmer ; but no advance on Monday's rates was obtained.......
Bane Of England.
THE usual half-yearly meeting of the proprietors was held on Thurs- day; and considerable surprise was created by a proposition from the Directors to reduce the dividend from 4......
S l' , TIIPAY NIGHT. No progress in the rectmso-netion of ;be Frenell Wristry is reported in the French - ;L:pm.r.s r( 1 ill's The last rumour is, that Grizor nod ill, Door':......
Colonel Gawler, The New Governor Of The Province Of South
Aus- tralia, reached the colony on the 13th of October.......
The All-important Subject Of National Education Has Been...
by sonic influential people in the City : a Committee, composed of seve- ral Members of Parliament, and commercial and literary men, has been formed ; and Mr. JAMES MON, of......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY nerseraes. The only event of importance in the Money Market during the week, has been the reduction of the dividend on Bank Stock : at a meeting of the......
'file Polling For North Devonshire Commenced Yeeterday...
latest account was despatched, returns had only been received from the following places. South Molten, at 11 o'cleck Tiverton, at i p. 1 Colltunpton, at 0 Chumleigh, at i to 11......
The Mercantile Committee On Postage Have Resolved To Call A
public meeting in the city of London to petition for the unifinln penny rate. The meeting will be held in May.......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—le the Channel, Olympus, Cowl; Favourite, Robinson, from Bengal; Glenorm, G r uber, from Mani ll a: Palmer, Francis; W. Earras, —; Bride, Car' ; Cumbrian, Paul ; and......