A fire OCCIllTed on Monday evening at the Znological Gardens
at Birmingham. A large monkey-house, together With a most valuable collection of monkies, was destroyed, and several other houses fbr the reception of animals shared the same fate. It originated through the overheating of some stoves.
On Thursday -week, an English brig went on shore on the French coast, about two miles to the eastward of Calais, and went to pieces, when all on board were unfortunately drowned.—Dover Gimmick.
On Sunday evening, the horses in the Hereford mail-coach ran away at great speed up the stn-et of Ludlow, dashing the vehicle with such force against a buttress of the old gate, as to shivee it to pieces and kill two of the horses; the coachman bad his arm broken, and the guard escaped unhurt.—Wormkrshire Gimmick.