I! .7 be Vrobinces.
The coateta a.tr Wigan was very close. At nine o'clock the numbers were--tor Ewert, 65; Kearsley, 34; at eleven, Kearsley 203, Ewart 197; at three, Kearsley 256, Ewart 253. Only 15 or 16 mained to be polled ; and the result at four o'clock was- Ewart 261 Kearsley 257 Majority for Ewart 4 The Bribery-oath was frequently administered on both sides; and each party charges its opponent with corruption, intimidation, and via- knee.
Sir R. Dundas has been elected for Richmond, by a majority of lee to 80 over his opponent, Mr. Stapleton.
At the nomination for North Devonshire, at Soethmolton, on Tues- day, the show of hands was declared to be in favour of Sit'. Buller; and a poll was demanded for Mr. Backe.
Mr. Cobden is spoken of as a likely candidate for Preston, should there be a vacancy.
A church-rate has been refused at Chatham. At the close of the poll, the numbers were—fin. the rate 580; against 632.
votes es.