In tla • 'ar :re: Criminal Court, on Saturday, James
Whoolley was senteneed to astaen days imprisonment for the manslaughter of Char-
lotte es. particulars of the case were mentioned last week ; the prioa. ea' ' trine at a block, and the ball front his carbine entered the dee— a- end killed her.
In Ce• rtynes, who died in consequence of a bite fro-, :? • t..':',11,:ring at the St. James's Theatre, the Coroner's
Jury ',let of " Accidental Death."
One or :tehmen employed at the entrance of the London and Birmill"!• ay. at Ensu] Square, was found dead in his watch-
box at neaelsr on Sunday morning, lie had gone to sleep, and died t laee •I: t.t...ets of the intense cold, aggravated by sonic liquor he haillee-
At le e:• nalay, the following certificate was read from
pree • : which shows that an ingenious at- tempt t, --s le a: iojure Madame \'estris, and that the affair was not, as the T:n. ..united, a mere hoax.
" Kin_', teeter. March' .
" I ls,•1•.: •:•.•, that upon examining a box which WU', placed in my hands by . 1:x oilicers of the public office, Bow :,7,treet, by desire of Sir F. P .• • .;is ! of which had been previonie forced in, 1 found that
there 0– • • - • :. vddell passed throw!n the lid, and which lied evidently been moveable partition ilieidiug the box longitudinally, and
which mu-, been lifted upon opening the lam The sides of' this parti- tion were eo, • ■-■ •t it !....lass paper, so arranged as to hear against the points of fwverni 1,1• fixed on each side of tie, box in such it way 115 to ren- der it al. •-• that the friction caused by drawing the partition must have ienla 'lelerneath the matches on one side, there was a quantity of glint,- i,... paper placed in the midst Of tow and quick-match."
Tli:,•r,.• is it-, r••:, •ort to believe that the plot was concocted in America, notwithetatoline aene expressions in the letter picked up by Mr. Lan- caster scented at first to encourage that opinion.