A letter to Mr. Ray, Secretary of the Precursor Association, from Mr. O'Connell, was read at a recent meeting of the Precursors, The following are extracts from the letter-
" The enemies of Inhale are not confined to any one rally, Whip, Tories, or Radicals; nay, I really think that those who have tl:e strongest to::ipathies to Ireland mud to the Iri It p, °pie, are to be found sinolTst the Radical Re- formers in the House of Col-canoes. The Tories hate us, as part of the prin- ciple of their petty, but the Radicals appear to me to have it spears Of indivi- dual acrimony to our unfortunate country : and it should not he ihrgotten, flea when the Poplin.; panty in England usurped all the powers of the state, they were the most Sec1dt:1111V sanguniary of the exterminators of flue Irish people ; the English people liming, seized on all the authority of the state, delbAted in exterminating the Irish people. There manifestly is a portion of this. spirit still alive, and not altogether concealed, although it lots the modesty, or rather timidity, to seek to disguise itself under various pretexts. " flow powerfully is this spirit illustrated by the two recent divisions! The that on my motion to equalize the franchises of tic Irish people with those of the En.glish—a motion atilt: clearest, plainest justice—a !notion to render the repeal Impossible, beeall.u• tumeeessarv, at least, as to OM: 1110A 1111110111111t 1/0111t, a 11011it 110lY CiO■Cedell, mania give its the means of stopping all agita- tiou fbr the repeal—it was for the present insultingly rejected. I venture to prophesy it will yet be offered, when it will be too late. " 1 have now to announce, that the Tories and Radicals have determined that we shall have no railways in Ireland. Private speculation will never give us railroads ; at least, while the emaciating Union continues, it is impossible that railroads in Ireland should be completed by private capital. The reason is obvious: the Railuay Export shows that the probable morn of any railway in Ireland will not exceed from four to four-and-a-half per cent. out tile capital necessary to be expend:AL or conr,e, no private speculahw will atleonee money an the ration! of sorb a ;Thaw • especially as private companies will have to lay out enornmas sums in purchasing the c:ood-will of landlords, and very large RIMS in Parliamentary 1111d Ltw costs. Intact, it is quits! 111;11111■2St that we are candennct tot Tory and Thotivol hostility to do u•ithont railroads unlit an uel ilfiSSI'S in College Green It's• their caution. I presume the Government scheme will be abandoned as litsp:11,ss:.
Lord El ringtou has officially intimated to Dr. Vignolles, that other engagements prevent his Excellency from reuppointing him to his Chaplaincy.