16 MARCH 1839, Page 11



No progress in the rectmso-netion of ;be Frenell Wristry is reported

in the French -;L:pm.r.s r( 1 ill's The last rumour is, that

Grizor nod ill, Door': ill ••xvfeogd from, and Durist and lItT3Less ado:lima] into C.:0 To is:m;s Cabinet.

in the Remise of' f'tort.nertfu, 1.w; night, ..1•m:..•;1 debate on the Corn-laws was ois,,;(.0 1.y \Irs was followed, in so, port of the motion; by ',Ti'.` P:• ;Ind 3Ir. 11...;:rousg; Colonel Woon and 3I1.. !ANI•1 i • for Sir -floimEter Pnem. tbon n it is 1,,,es•;ible to ttive even an

outline of his speeelm 11-n•ted tior: sinact . at our com-

mand: and, in fact. tb-eL-1; 1; ro'l ttf \111101 provoked

laughter and (Iwo-, ■•.•::try gentlemen and clac- (incurs, time Tory as address contain-

ing so little matter woms1::,. of !•::r II mbert set (tilt with ye- marking, that the cry re-;pc,1:11• 1,.. ... t.:,.etur1-1,,r,;••••ress had died away.

Little Wth• now if s; id' commerce. 11'11A had.

become of all the argonnotts .0.1 It r di-tressed condition of the manufacturers? [So, be,'mrose nail those who support the

motion, iu taking a lar;;.. u. ct' 11e. ,,;•.•rol, the Corn-lams on the community at large, rot buv „r• :wadi t-soi the 1,1.. eilltettiring• part. of the question as w11-1 1! ol' tits tmectfacturers to give

evidence at the bar was the matter I ;louse, Sir Robert Peel assumes that there is um rund (..:ttse of ..•.,1»pdonu, ;toll that a false case had been got '..'\'' itot. l'orther f this -,:,..tottption, he ae-

tuaily referred might tot,-i ;..r..; c; ,.v'•...rts of over 1s37 ; althototh it has heen sbo, n that foot the fact of 18:17 having been I i!,;)10,-; lind that lit I s:;!,. much of the business ••dly bolongin;:: to the pre doll:. year had bet:0 transacted.

Corn was lowlier in neon in Is:17 ; whence lie inferred that a high price of corn was oot lojurions tar manufactures ;,nd commerce!) Sir !filbert referred to au idereimse iu Ilot .'i:1.•:. :lank deposits as proof of the improved contlition of' the Libt..nulug ...lasses. Ile taunted the Anti-Corn-law agitators with the t ottittu.r-aHutution got tip 1.y- the operatives. who told the cotton-spinners that they would not join in an cat .rt to raise by reducing wa:,;es. 1 le dwelt upon the increase of poptilatioo, and caphil, in Glasgow and other large towns; which he said, Ilaming taken tAtice under the Corn-laws, proved that those laws mu et.e ;;•.) obstacles to prosperity. lie inalutai:lid that if any inference on eiuln:r side were to be dm awn front the Chet that

the price of' %cool hail since the trade was thrown open, it would be that Ivimeat woold 11 ,u, cre -prohildtions on the importations on it rennived ; amid then, '1I at Nvould the mnatuttfacittrers gain? lie contended that the land ic;1`..• subject to peculiar burdens ; and wished the I louse io believe that Adam Smith had pronounced tithes a tax on

Mod. But 31r. VI 1.1.IEits wnn;l not allow the misstatement to pass; and then Sir Robert observed, that if Smith lend not, some other politi- cal economist had! lie saw no use in o,-eitug into Committee, unless it were to consider of a fixed duty, but nobody had ventured to name a duty. The ymestion, us it stood, might be as

well (lista...stud -under it:die:cc of the Speaker as of Mr.

Vernal. It' time principle of O.,- I,,Iyilig Where you t':10 bay eimeapest--were sound, then let 111, f.1111(.7 hiiyc the benefit of it. Al- low him to purellaSe in the cheap,. ,r1,ets: and as the manuraeturers understood the principle, which C.; . l!ettaa..t, swinish f outliers were so

slow to comprehend, cpply it lir,' • o en ;nil move for a f'on-t- mittee to consider the r..11r)val 01' .1,01,2■ unteotfactured artiele.s.

Sir Robert was very 01,•■10 ,I;L:pote,, of poll-

deal ecumoddsts; and read a Prong Lord .John Russell's letter to

his hintirq,,i0i, 00,1, . . (tray, 1.1.T11,1):11,q1 1,y (he author himself,)

in V• !dell limey w ..,,r.eft to heseu'c (4' "the cold-blooded

economist u; hit thott,lit t• ..•••lc.• 1. It ;h., ta:uplisiiitom of wealth." 'The manner in which. Sir Ilolo•rt 11••••••1 .1 part of the sublet provoked notch lan;.:11ter. Ile c that as they had act

ever, the inull.wity of ow C• • • • .t, nas liu s•iittel ea' mm do out for going into Committee.

Mr. litonornmerox Sir own Mr. Fm 1:1.0 EN, clamour and interroption, moved mi adjournment of the debate till Monday.

Lord .lottx sail that course would be most Inconvenient for the public service.

31r. rim;l.rt1.:x persisted; but was willing to mono Tuesday instead of

31on1.iy. 3Ir. It!HEN :Ind Mr. Flo ishott the deluate to be udjitorned; and a division teak tiace. 61 voting fee, 473 against the adjou raiment.

)i1.. 3Lrt°trusts Arrwoon .11.01 an cppl...tutiliy of reply ing to some personal remarks of 31r. flume. 31 r. OAR VIA was anxious to lake part in the discussion; hot the free trade gentlemen had been great monopolists of the dune of the House.

Antnher clivisiim gave 53 tor, amid a73 against the adjournment.

3Ir. Fmmu.tmEN then named NVednesday. 311. liMptised "that day six months." Finally it was ;tweed, that Monday should be the day ; but that a vote I" w the p.uy t•ul' the A .111\ should first he taken and the Mutiny Bill brought in. Lord 1).51:1.1StrroN gave notice of a call of the House for 31onday.

In the 'Upper !louse, Lord Buori.o.t:o pres...ittet1 ht.:itemise petition with 43,o0o signatures, fr.111 utailist the Corn-laws. [The The following is the list Earl Fitzwillitim's motion PRESET:T-1 -I.

Marquis. Barons. Breadathane Kinnaird Earls. Holland Albemarle Vernon Fitswilliam Calthorpe Radnor Seaford Minns Brougham Durham Hatherton Langdale

This minority is most respectable in point of character, and comprises an immense amount of landed property—some of the most extensive estates in the United Kingdom. There are not ninny noblemen whose possessions can 1-c compared to those of the Duke of Bedford, the Mar- Duises of Westminster and Breadalbane, the Earls of Leicester (Coke), erby, Carlisle, Fitzwilliam, and Durham, the Lords Hatherton, thorpe, and Kinnaird.

of the minority who voted in favour of the Corn-laws.


Carlisle • Leicester Barons. Cloncurry Godolphin Denman Dohs. Grafton Bedford Westminster Earls.

Derby Suffolk