Tim Haymarket recommences its season on Monday, with the former corps strengthened by the addition of COOPER, that most useful of actors ; 0. SMITH, who to his fierce and ghostly powers joins a grim, grotesque humour ; Miss MounAuxr, and Mr. and Miss Miywoon, a tragic pair from America: Irish POWER and Yankee HILL are also reagaged ; and these, with the old favourites, Mrs. GLOVER, Mrs. FITZWILLIAN, Miss TAYLOR, and Mrs. F. MATHEWS, WRENCH, BUCKSTONE, STRICK- LAND, and WEBSTER himself, make up a very effective company. Good dramas are the grand desiderata. SHERIDAN KNOWLES'S pleasant comedy The Lure-Chase, and a new farce by BERNARD, written for the American comedian HILL, are to be the performances of the opening night. POWER appears on Easter Monday, and a holyday entertain- ment is to be provided. At Covent Garden, some judicious curtailments in Richelieu have improved the general effect of the performance, and the magnificence of the spectliele fills the eye with picturesque gratification ; but that higher interest, which attracts so numerous audiences to the Lady of Lyons, is wanting. WomIxo's antics in the ballet of The Little Hunchback, at Drury Lane, are infinitely diverting: though he has no clownish humour, his comical gestiloquence is whimsical in the extreme.
The troop of " monkies, dogs, and goats," from Paris, are announced
at the St. James's for Easter Monday ; which being the 1st of April, is very appropriate. Meanwhile, M. TAUDEVIN, as he is called, has paid "the King of Prussia" a visit in his den ; and the royal lion received him most graciously—that is, he did not snap his head off. The "new pieces," as they are termed, do not admit of being mentioned critically : they please the brute-seers, however, and that is enough. The Adelphi rivalry in the monkey way will soon cease, as the theatre closes next week. YATES takes his benefit on the 21st, when ever-delightful Victorine will be played once again : we quite long to see it after the trash we have had lately. Easter pieces are in preparation at both the Great Houses ; for at Covent Garden a "dramatic romance," and at Drury a " melo- dramatic spectacle," are announced.
Old Iz.tAK WALTox is to figure on the Olympic stage.