Theron,: Azso STvrisries, California; n History of Upper and Lower California, from their first discovc;ry to the. present time;, comprising an Account of the Climate, Soil, Natural Produc- tions, Agriculture, Commerce, &c.: a full view of the Missionary .Establishments and Condition of the Free and Domesticated Indians. With an Appendix relating to Steam Navigation in the Pacific. By Alexander Forbes, Esq. Smith and Elder.
Frenos, Thais of the Heart. By Mrs. Bray, Author of "Trelawney," "The Borders of
the Tamar and Tavy," &c. In 3 vole/ Longman and Co. POLITICAL Eeosomv, 1,abaur's Wr,a1,:s mid Labour's Remedy. or the Age of Might and the Age of Right,
By .1. F. Bray Green, Leeds. Maiarm.ANyavis,
Madruoinots or First Vorseattempts. By a Bernuatural. Addressed to the TAgld- beaded of Society at lar4e, By Henry Ellison, of Christchurch, Oxford. In 2 Vols.
Po inter.