16 MARCH 1839, Page 19


Mn. VIVIAN is first in the field, with his volume of sketches of the Scenery of Portugal and Spain. They are lithographed in the tinted manner, by HAGI1E, and are rich in the combination of picturesque beauty and artis- tical skill : to Mr. VIVIAN belongs the credit of a judicious selection of views and accurate details, and to LOUIS HAMM the praise of masterly treatment of the subjects, and precision and clearness in the drawings on stone. Mr. VIVIAN'S former volume was wholly devoted to the scenery of Spain : the present consists principally of views in Portugal, to the eumbsr of tweety-fire,—embracing Lisbon, Ciutra, Coimbra, and Oporto, and some striking points selected from the provinces of Estre- madura and Entre Minho e Douro : the Spanish views, ten in number, are gleaned chiefly from the provinces of Galicia, Andalusia, and Granada. The scenery of these countries, in itself romantically beau- tifid—varied as it is with vallies and mountains, well wooded and watered, and so interspersed with rocks that cultivation does not tame down those sterner features that give an air of wildness and grandeur to the hindscupe—is heightened to elegance by the fine architecture (prin- cipally- Moorish) of the cities and convents, and by the frequent aque- ducts, calling to mind the beauties of Italian scenery. The value of graceful architecture in the composition of the landscape is strikingly apparent in these views; some of which seem like creations of art rather then actual seem s We are strangers to this happy tuition of nature and art on a large scale i u England, though we get a glimpse of it occasion- ally,—at Oxford, for instance, notwithstanding its level site.

Our space will only allow us to characterize a few of the most remark- able sketches ; but we may observe of them generally, that the cos- tumes and habits of the people, and other national peculiarities, are indi- cated in all of them. You look out on a lovely prospect, or down into a crowded street, front a balcony where a donna is reclining with her guitar beside her, or from the loggia of a convent, with a lay-brother pausing from his studies to gaze on the scene : here a group of peasants are basking in the sun beneath a trellis of vines. the-re a couple of utonks are talking in the cool cloister of a convent ; the fountains in the public places and the crosses by the way-side are gene.elly the centre of a knot of idlers ; and the streets and high-roads are alive with popu- lation and traffic. The views of " Cintra's glorious Eden,"

" lietr:t1 crags with toppling convent cannel," and variegated with the aloe and prickly pear, and the Penile con- vent itself. with its Moorish decorations, are among the most interesting and beautiful. The geeeral view of " Cintra, from the North," is per- haps the finest in the volume : it is more freely pencilled, mid has a glow- ing effect, owing to the warmth of the tint and the sparing use and judicious distribution of the high lights. In Inters of the plates the lights are so profuse and strongly relieved, that they tell e ith undue force against the delicate shading and almost diaphonous thinness of the solid oljecet, and show like snow, especially when the tint is a cold gray : this a,ft.,,t is particularly noticeable in the bold and picturesque

landser,pe of St, t i and the street views of Braga and Gsauada, in which the cold and sight style of the draughrssi:en are painfully appa- rent. The romantic iew of Arrabida is also injured in its effect by the chill toms of the tint. But nothing can be more congenial than the atmosphere of Leiria : this is a most graceful composition ; the ruined castle crowning the rocky heights forms a sky outline beautifully broken, and contrasting with the level lines of the house-roofs and

Inidge 'Elie views of Coimbra, too, are .very flue; especially one from a svoody height commanding the river : the foliage is hard, and wants depth of shade and richness of colour, but the effect of' the cypresses piereing the rounded clumps is scarcely less attractive on this account. Oporto from the river is pure and sileery in its tone, and the curveel anteame of the feluccas, mingled with the rigging of ilk larger vessels, give a:massiveness and serenity to the city ahoy°. A snore tran- quil scene on the Dnero is the sweetest, seneiest spot of all ; and another small view of Valencia from the Botanic Gardens. is a charming seclusion. " Villa do Conde,- with its elegant church, convent, and aqueduct. makes a classic composition : and its effect is bright, clear, and forcible. A want of sufficient strength and variety of light and shade is frequently felt : the last-mentioned view, and one of .• Velez Malaga," are among the exceptions. The extensive view of Granada, with the _Alhambra, and the snow-capped stuurnite of the Sierra Nevada above', the fertile plain below, looks weak and poor in conse- quence of that defect. hut, as if to reconcile us to the coldness of style, a scrubhy drawing by another artist is introduced, which so strongly contrasts with his elea -I, sharp touch, and slight but firm handling, that we soon become reconciled to the peculiarity of his manner. and learn to appreciate his surpassing dexterity. the distinctness with which every object is defined, and the breadth and entireness of the elISCH161e.