The correspondent of the Standard, telegraphing front
Buda-Pesth on Wednesday night, declares himself "in a position to guarantee the absolute authenticity of the following
intelligence." The Austrian Government has issued urgent orders for the formation of a corps of observation along the Servian frontier, with transport sufficient for the passage of troops across the Danube. The railway authorities at Temesvar have also been directed to make preparations for the transport of twenty thousand men at twelve hours. This statement, which has, of course, been denied, does not mean that Austria has decided on an occupation of Servia ; but it does mean that she apprehends occurrences which would render occu- pation unavoidable. The kind of occurrence anticipated is not defined, but it should be noticed that everything in Belgrade is in suspense till the ex-King Milan leaves the city ; that the boy-King Alexander cries much for his mother, and is to visit Queen Natalie beyond the frontier ; that the boldest opponent of King Milan's Government, a "brigand-patriot" named Prastich, has been released; and that if the Radical Party seek a revolution, the most likely time to select is the moment when Servia is without a King. It has been pointed out with great force, that in the event of the death of King Alexander, there is no heir to the Servian throne, not even a collateral with claims, and that the Great Skuptschina which would elect one would almost infallibly fix upon the Russian nominee, Prince Peter Karageorgevieh. There are stirring times clearly in store for Servia.