The Reader Will Find Some Entertainment, Commended At...
a certain novelty of form and matter, in four volumes which bear the common title of Japan in Days of Yore, and are introduced to the English public by Mr. Walter Denning, the......
(knight And Co.)—the Local Government Act, County...
The Municipal Corporations Act, 1882. By Walter C. Ryde, M.A.., and E. Lewis Thomas, M.A. (Butterworths.)—The Anglo-Indian Codes. Edited by Whiteley Stokes, D.C.L. Vol. II.......
The Bodleian Library In 1882-7. (oxford.)—this Is The...
Bodley's Librarian, and is, we need hardly say, an interesting document. After a brief sketch of the past history of the Library, Mr. Nicholson goes on to speak of recent......
The Late Dr. Wagner's Useful Abridgment Of Professor...
.,Eneid of Virgil (Deighton, Bell, and Co. ; G. Bell and Sons) appears in separate volumes, or, if it be preferred, in volumes containing two books each. After all that has been......
We Have Received The Fourth Volume Of The Henry Irving
Shake- speare, edited by Henry Irving and Frank A. Marshall. (Blackie and Son.)—This volume contains King Henry V., The Merry Wives of Windsor, Much Ado about Nothing, As You......
Is An Original Etching By F. Slocombe, Entitled "a Spring
Day." —The Magazine of Art.—The English Illustrated Magazine.—The Scottish Art Review.—No. 9 of Artistic Japan.—Art and Literature. —Illustrations.—The Theological Monthly.—The......