Sir: Last night I watched the BBC Midweek programme in
which John Stokes and David Mudd (both of whom ought to know better), and David Crouch attacked Patrick Cosgrave and The Spectator for his article and your editorial. What a lot of spluttering indignation! At one stage I feared I was suffering some form of aural hallucination, for Mr Crouch, commenting on the election result, actually said (I quote): "The electorate let the country down." How far down the scale has Heath's arrogant, insensitive and stubborn attitude permeated!
As one of a great number of Conservatives (and not all from the West Midlands, though sharing with them a common loyalty) who voted nominally against our Party, though in the long run, hopefully, for it, I protested in the only way open to me against the betrayal of the 1970 manifesto, the hijacking of Britain into the Common Market and, above all, against the person of Edward Heath in office. Many of us found it hard to break a life-long voting habit; if he is still there next time we will find it much easier — and we will take with us on that occasion those of our more timid friends who only went so far as to abstain. Thank you for a spirited issue which so closely expresses our feelings.
Bee Carthew B Flat, 7 Park Road, East Twickenham, Middlesex.