Heath And The Leadership
Sir: Without wanting to express any opinion one way or the other as to whether Mr Heath ought to resign as Conservative leader, I should like to suggest that the shrill tone of......
Iir: . You Are Right To Call For The Resignation Of
Mr Heath (March 9). After the U-turns of 1970-1974, the old slogan of "Edward Heath: man of principle" has turned sour in our mouths. If the task of the Conservative Party is to......
Ex-president, Oxford University Monday Club, Hertford...
Sir: Thank you for giving us in your post-election editorial concerning the 'Squatter at No. 10' a concise summary of the true significance of the country's decision. Mr Carr......
From Princess Helen Rospigliosi
Sir: Words cannot express how deeply I agree with every word of the leader in The Spectator, - in ,which you say what a disaster the wretched Mr Heath has been, not only for the......
Sir: Your Strictures On Mr Heath (march 9) Are If
anything an understatement but one phoenix has arisen from the ashes of his incendiary orgy and that is the renewed right of the British people to determine their own future.......
From The Bishop Of Ton Bridge
Sir: I gratefully accepted your offer of The Spectator at a reduced rate for clergy — for which I thank you. However, the writing about Mr Heath on the front page this week is......
From Mrs Daphne F. Boulden
Sir: What has become of you — a proudly fair-minded journal — jeering at a man when he is down? You may not agree with Mr Heath but, at least, please give him rare praise for......
Sir: Last Night I Watched The Bbc Midweek Programme In
which John Stokes and David Mudd (both of whom ought to know better), and David Crouch attacked Patrick Cosgrave and The Spectator for his article and your editorial. What a lot......
Sir: Whilst I Do Not Necessarily Entirely Disagree With Your
journal's view that Edward Heath should be replaced as leader of the Conservative Party, I should hardly have thought it either necessary, nor a mark of good journalism, to be......
From Mrs H. B. Wilson
Sir: 1 wish to place on record as a Conservative, my utter rejection of the vitriolic views expressed in your current editorials concerning Mr Edward Heath, which subsequently......
From Mrs Sally Blake
Sir: That the Conservatives lost the election has not stunned me half so much as their obvious surprise in having done so! This lack of even an elementary knowledge of......