Sir: Whilst I do not necessarily entirely disagree with your
journal's view that Edward Heath should be replaced as leader of the Conservative Party, I should hardly have thought it either necessary, nor a mark of good journalism, to be so vilifying and vitriolic in the process of proposing such a change in the hierarchy. It is, of course, an appalling admission of the writer's (? Mr Cosgrave, although he gave the impression of trying to deny it on television) journalistic incompetence that he should have to resort to such a style in order to put across his point. Whilst repelled by the sight of Mr Cosgrave on BBC's Midweek television programme on March 6, one did at least have the considerable satisfaction of hearing that he was nearly voiceless — doubtless from crowing so much about his predictions. I would not, of course, want to fall into Mr Cosgrave's trap —but then, of course, I am not a professional journalist. Needless to say, I have today cancelled my subscription to your journal. John Fingleton 21 Avenue Mansions, London, NW3