Veritas : Revelation of Mysteries, Biblical, Historical, and Sociat. Henry
Melville. Edited by F. Tennyson and A. Tudor. (Hall and Co.)— If anyone seeks to know Masonic mysteries without going through initiation, and does not mind running the risk of going mad, let him read this book right through from beginning to end. We have not read it. To do so, we should probably have to neglect all other duties for at least a twelvemonth. What we have been able to make out of it is this — that all history, sacred or profane, is a solar myth. We shall give one specimen :—
" After considerable squabbling with his celestial subjects, his solar majesty, Carolus, slowly, that is day by day, proceeds northward, and arrives at AR 111, determined for some time to make York the place of residence,' and his solar majesty, at the summer solstatio, or solstice, for some time, always does make York his place of residence. From York his majesty makes a circuit, or circle, to Hull, and Sir John, or- Saint John Hotham, refuses his solar majesty entrance. Hot ham is. the sun's home at the solstice with Apollo at AR 106. Hull means cha ff of corn, and at AR 106 there is a wheat-sheaf and some barley,.
and also a flail to thrash the corn and produce the chaff Thep Scots or Scoti invite Charles from Oxford, and he, the sun-king, leaves that place in disguise, of course after sunset."
We know what is on the reader's tongue to say, but it cannot be. There are three names on the title-page, and they, so the physicians tell us never combine.