Little News Has Come To Hand This Week Of The
Bengal Famine. There is no doubt that at present the relief is adequate to the prevention of a high death-rate, though not to that of deep wretchedness in many districts, and......
The Duke Of Rutland Has Issued A Delicious Circular To
the labourers on his estates. He tells them, in a grandfatherly way, which we cannot reproduce without reproducing the letter, that their conduct has been exemplary ; that as......
The Czar Arrived In England On Wednesday Evening. He Was
to have arrived in the morning, but waiting a little too long at Flushing, the tide ran out too far, and his yacht grounded. The only effects of the mishap were the delay and......
Mr. Forsyth, Q.c., Was Entertained At The Agricultural...
on Wednesday, by the Marylebone Conservative Registration Union, to celebrate his return for Marylebone, Lord John Manners being in the chair, and seven hundred banqueters......
Marshal Serrano, After A Week's Reflection, Has Turned...
Ministry and appointed another, much more Conservative, indeed almost Monarchist. He has sent for 12,000 men to Madrid, and has induced or compelled General Pavia to retain his......
Lord Russell's Foreign Policy Motion Of Last Week, And The
reply to it by Lord Derby, have elicited an odd line of remark from the semi-official German Press. These organs of the Government say that Lord Derby virtually committed......
A Meeting Of The British And Foreign School Society Was
held on Monday, under the presidency of Earl Russell, at which a letter from Mr. Bright was read, apologising for his absence, and saying, what will hardly please his......