Archbishop Ireland, an American prelate who is said to be
an American of the Americans, addressed the Loyal Legion at St. Paul last Sunday, in favour of war, as against arbitration. He does not agree with Cardinals Vaughan, Gibbons, and Logue that it is desirable to get a tribunal of arbitration to settle disputes which might other- 'wise end in war, for he thinks war an excellent thing for its own sake because it is a great stimulant to patriotism, and it appears that his address was received by the Loyal Legion with the utmost enthusiasm. Evidently our Lord's blessing on the peacemakers does not recommend itself to Archbishop Ireland, or does he think that before you can get really blessed peacemakers, you must first have unblessed wars ? If there were no wars, perhaps he argues that there could be no peacemakers, and therefore he would provide the peacemakers with some hard work to do in the form of wars that would need bringing to an end. Certainly the United States seem to be in a very bellicose mood. Even the children in some of the Western States breathe out the most vehement aspirations for fields of blood.