16 MAY 1896, page 17

A Sheep-story.

g() THE EDITOR OF TEN " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Having read from time to time in your pages notable instances of sagacity in dogs and cats, it has occurred to me that the following......


[To TIER EDITOR 01 TH2 " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —I am a great lover of all animals, especially cats. The two I have now are the greatest possible contrast to each other in all......

The Island Of Iona.

[St. Columba, though a priest, had joined in an Irish battle. The penance imposed on him was perpetual exile from Ireland. He made Iona his abode till death, preaching on the......


MORE HAWARDEN HORACE. A POSTCARD TO LORD WARKWORTH.—Pd. L 33.) PERRICOS odi, puer, apparatus, Displicent nexae philyra cor- onae; Mitte sectari, rosa quo locorum Sera moretur.......

To My Cycle.

DEAR other self, so silent, swift, and sure, My dumb companion of delightful days, Might fairy fingers from thy orbit rays Of steel strike music, as the gods of yore From reed......

[to The Editor Of Thy "spectator "] Sir.—the Following...

my duck and cats may interest your readers. We have several cats, one,—' Tom,' is a handsome young fellow and a great favourite from his amiable disposition ; his mother,......