On Wednesday Mr. Chamberlain was present at a meeting of
the Cordwainers' Company (cordwainer means shoemaker) at their hall in Cannon Street, the object of the meeting being to unveil a memorial window to the memory of Mr. John Came a benefactor of the Company, who died on May 13th, 1796. The address presented to Mr. Chamber- lain recalled the interesting fact that his family had been connected with the Company for nearly two centuries. No less than sir of his ancestors had filled the office of Master. Many of his family were still connected with the Company—Mr. Chamberlain himself mentioned inci- dentally that his eldest son was about to take up his livery— and among the most valued possessions of the Company were pieces of plate presented by Mr. Chamberlain's ancestors. The formal recognition of these facts is most interesting, and we congratulate the Cordwainers' Company on being the first of the City Companies to give the nation a Secretary of State.