16 MAY 1925, Page 1

NEWS OF THE - WEEK V A VERY eonntry•in Europe would feel ,vastly relieved

g2 by the production of satisfactory. -evidence that Prance at last means to face iealities and put her finaneial house in order.- - The Statement-which M. Caillaux made to the Finance Committee of the Chamber on Tuesday had been awaited with extraordinary curiosity and anxiety. The minds of Fienchmen are torn by con:. Meting emotions ; they . naturally want to see French Credit restored and the–Budget balanced, but they do taxes. • not want to pay the huge taxes. which will be necessary-: The patent truth is that- France has let things slide too long. If-she had- insisted as has been done in this Country, on paying her way year by year she wouldnow be. standing high upon the list of those nations which are' stable and enjoy. high eredit. The unfortunate result of the long delay in getting, to work financially is that the heroic measures which ale now -required on paper for a quick cure might in practice cripple the indUstries of -the -Country. * • * * *