On The Whole We See Even More Reason Than Before
to believe that Hindenburg's election will not be injurious to the international negotiations for a rapprochement if only France does not lose her head. The Matin has published......
On Monday It Was The Turn Of The Silk Duties.
Mr. Bromfield and Mr. Mackinder, Labour members, con- tended that the duties would drive prices up and by depressing a growing trade cause unemployment. Italian competition in......
It Is Strange News From Russia That Trotsky, After Being
deprived of his offices and sent away from Moscow in disgrace, has been recalled. He had merely advocated an economic policy which Lenin himself would probably have advocated if......
With Regard To The Government's Pensions Scheme We Must Wait
for any information of value till next Tuesday when Mr. Neville Chamberlain will mote the second reading of the Bill. What we are particularly anxious to know is the estimated......
Iti Confessing That He Could Not Get On Without Further
loans or _credit transactions this year, M. Caillaux said that the service of the principal loan would be provided for by such reparations as could reasonably be expected from......
The Budget Debates Have Gone, On The Whole, More Kindly
to the Government than seemed likely a week ago when the reaction against Mr. Churchill first declared itself. On Thursday, May 7th, he defended the McKenna duties. He argued......
On Monday, May 11th, Field-marshal Von Hindenburg...
to take up his duties as President of the German Reichstag in Berlin. His entry took place amid an orderly rather than universally enthusiastic welcome. The old Imperial colours......
Those Who Try, In Spite Of All Discouragements, To Wish
the Turks well have received another shock. There was one Turkish editor who stood head and shoulders above his colleagues, Hussein - Jahid Bey, and this able and enlightened......
We Agree That The Tax On Artificial Silk Is A
very inopportune tax on a raw material. Tariff reformers and Free Traders, though they disagreed about everything else, always agreed that raw materials, so far as they could be......